$85.00 USD

Mayfield Renewables holds the copyright for all workshop material. Any downloaded material from this online workshop may not be shared. Registered students will not reproduce or share work publicly without Mayfield Renewables’ prior written permission.

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PV Interconnection and the 2023 NEC

In this one-hour course, Mayfield Renewables Founder Ryan Mayfield gives a closer reading and explanation of NEC 705.11 Source Connections to a Service, as it relates to PV interconnection.

Topics covered include:

  • 2023 updates to NEC 705.11
  • Understanding of the minimum compliance requirements for multiple power source interconnection on the supply-side
  • Supply-side PV + utility service interconnection best practices
  • Proper comprehension of NEC 705.11 code connections to 705.28 and back to Articles 250 and 230. 

All course registrants will get access to all course materials — including the course slides PDF. 

Registrants are also eligible to receive 1 hour of NABCEP CEUs upon course completion.